We need your help to realise the objectives of The Cyber Trust

Please consider making a donation through our Just Giving Charity Account, get in touch with any of our Trustees, or simply email donations@thecybertrust.org – thank you.

Fundraising Brochure Cover

The Cyber Trust is registered with The Fundraising Regulator which means we follow their Code of Practice and the Fundraising Promise. 

We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Registered Charity number 1171883. 

We are registered with HMRC for Gift Aid (you can download a GiftAid declaration), and we have a Just Giving Charity Account to make donations as straightforward as possible.

We are also registered with The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) donation process. If you would rather use BACS or would like to discuss a donation with one of the Trustees, email donations@thecybertrust.org and we will get back to you.

Help us Work with Families to Protect Children in the Cyber World

The Cyber Trust was created to help children become safer online. Initially, the Cyber Trust’s work was restricted to Gloucestershire, however after growing demand the decision was made to develop an app for Android, iPhone and iPad devices. Known as ‘SpeakOut!’, the free app covers a range of relevant subjects, specifically for pupils transitioning from primary to secondary schools which is seen to be a critical time in the development of young people.

We are also close to and and have liaised with The Child Online Protection (COP) team at the International Telecommunication Union (A UN Organisation) and their parallel development of Child Online Protection services and technology: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Cybersecurity/Pages/COP/COP.aspx. COP released their AskMe App which drew on our collaboration in September 2023: https://www.itu.int/cop/askme/


What Next? Future plans and development:

For 2024/25, we are looking to demonstrate, evaluate and promote differing family protection tools and to promote their use to protect children. We will promote family discussion regarding the risks family members face using online systems and services and will also provide information and video instructions on how to set up and manage some of the family protection systems currently available.

The release of the recent OFCOM Media Nations 2023 report was the trigger for a BBC Radio Gloucester programme to which The Cyber Trust contributed through one of our Trustees: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/research-and-data/tv-radio-and-on-demand/media-nations-reports/media-nations-2023

One of the key issues that arose was the lack of support for Parents in how to manage and promote online safety for their children. The other major issue was the management of screen time and how best to ensure that children were not becoming isolated and bedroom bound. This is an area where The Trust can help and make a difference – and hence why it is included in our programme of work for 2024/25. We made further contributions to a BBC Radio Gloucestershire programme on the topic in September 2024, covering The Cyber Trust Family Internet Safety Project


We seek funding, partners and sponsors for our pilot project to explore how household internet monitoring tools may help family members to stay safe onlineOur current survey to Play Centres around the country that provide soft play for toddlers and primary aged children, and to others interested in this project is here (QR Code for further information):

Family internet safety flyer